Kesha's Kitchen Food Program
Feeding Our Community Raffle Program.
Sign up to be a Sponsor for a Family Or person in Need
Once a week Kesha’s Kitchen will give away $100 Dollars per week (credit)
to a family in need or a family looking for food assistance - All are able to apply for the funds . No one is excluded. If you know a family in need , you can also apply for them.
Each week we will designate a new food shopping center for the week.
All families are welcome and the gift card will be for food .
Sign up today! Apply to be part of the Raffle drawing - When filling out the application you must include your valid email address , full name , phone number and address . In addition , a one paragraph on why your family or someone you love deserve the funds .
The raffle winner must provide consent to Kesha’s Kitchen and the team to take photos and videographer during the acceptance of the award and some footage of the shopping .
We want this to be a pleasurable experience for our contestants.
Something like that …